A solo card dungeon crawler using a standard deck of cards. Battle monsters, manage resources, and survive.
Based on: Scoundrel! by Zach Gage and Kurt Bieg.
Each room presents four cards: monsters (♣/♠), weapons (♦), and potions (♥). Defeat all monsters before your health reaches zero.
How to Play:
- Rooms: Four cards drawn from the deck.
- Actions: Play three of the four cards in each room by dragging and dropping them on an action box:
- Fight Barehanded: Take full monster damage.
- Fight With Weapon: Reduce damage (Monster Value - Weapon Value, minimum 0). Requires an equipped weapon and the monster's value must be less than or equal to the weapon's durability.
- Equip/Use Item: Equip a weapon (♦) or use a potion (♥) (only the first used potion per room).
- Discard Potion: Discard a potion (♥), the only option for hearts if a potion has been consumed already in this room.
- Weapon Durability: Your weapon's durability becomes the value of the last monster defeated by it. This determines the maximum value of monsters you can fight with that weapon.
- Carry Over: The last card of the room goes to the next room's start.
- Run (Optional): At the start of a room, you can return all 4 cards to the bottom of the deck. You can not use run in consecutive rooms or after a card has been played in that room.
Card Values:
Card Values: 2-10 the same as rank; J: 11, Q: 12, K: 13, A: 14
- Original Game: Scoundrel by Zach Gage and Kurt Bieg.
- Love2D Port: Nilssius.
- Assets: Modified assets from
Discovered via:
How to Play SCOUNDREL! |
How to Play Scoundrel: a SOLO DUNGEON CRAWL! (Also works as a tutorial for this port)
Note: This is a fan project. I have nothing to do with the original game. I'm following the rules the way I understand them. Check out the rules PDF to play the game in person with a real deck of cards.
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